Saturday, February 28, 2015

Week 24: Patterns

This week in math, we reviewed patterns.  We learned how to name a pattern by using letters.  The children also learned that a pattern can repeat a rule. (ex:  2, 4, 6, 8.... the rule is counting by 2s or skipping every other number.) 

We had lots of fun making and naming patterns!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Week 23: George and Abe

Whoever made Elsa mad,
needs to apologize!
This has been a record week of no school, cancelations, and two-hour delays!  Despite all of our time away from school, we were still able to learn about two of our most historical presidents; George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. 
We compared and contrasted a fiction book and a non fiction book about each president.  The children were able to discuss the different reasons why the author chose to write each book.  We had great discussions about both presidents while reading the books. 
George Washington's Cows was strictly written for entertainment.  The children enjoyed listening to the story. 
We also read a biography about George Washington.  Ask your child to tell you some facts about our first president! 

A. Lincoln and Me is a realistic fiction story that has lots of interesting facts about our 16th president.  The story ended with the main character visiting the Lincoln Memorial.
We then read a book about the Lincoln Memorial!  The children learned a lot about some of the most influential men in our country! 


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Week 22: Happy Valentine's Day

We had a super fun Valentine's Day Party! 
Thank you Mrs. Brink, Mrs. Prather, and Mr. DiSanti for all the fun games and crafts!  The kids had a blast!


Friday, February 6, 2015

Week 21: The 100th Day of School

On Tuesday, we celebrated the 100th Day of School!  Enjoy some pictures from the day!

We are "Loving" First Grade!