One way I help my students become successful readers is by meeting with guided reading groups each week. We read books that are on the students' instructional reading level (a little bit harder than what they can read independently. We read a book two times before we start a new book. We alternate between fiction and non-fiction books.
The first time we read the book (we call it a 'cold' read) we talk about the main idea, the author's purpose and discuss any words that are new or unusual.
The second time we read the book (a 'hot' read) we dig deeper and answer questions about the book while reading. We also focus on a specific text-dependent question that we write in our journals in a complete sentence after we are done reading the book.
While I meet with my guided reading groups, the other children are completing important reading activities in their reading choice packets. This is also a time where they can work on their writing, read books, or take A.R. tests!