Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Birthday Martin Luther King Jr.

I hope everyone is staying in their P.J.'s today and watching the snow fall!  I know that's what Lily and I are doing! 

Today we celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday!  Last week we read a book about MLK and discussed why we honor him every year.   Some of Martin's big words are:  peace, love, freedom, and together.  We learned that Martin wanted everyone to be treated fairly despite the color of their skin.  Martin believed in love and not hate.  He didn't want to fight with weapons.   Martin had a dream. 
In honor of Martin Luther King Jr., this week we are not going to use the clip chart or the compliment vine or receive any type of rewards.  We are going to practice being respectful, helpful, and kind to each other without expecting an external incentive.  We discussed how we should feel inside when we make good choices and treat others nicely.  This is my dream as a teacher! 
Our Friday Behavior Outstanding Raffle winners were:


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Odd or Even?

We had a busy week in first grade! In math, we practiced skip counting, patterns on a 100 chart, ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd....etc.) and odd and even numbers!

Here is a fun activity we did to reinforce the concept of Odd and Even.

We read a book called, Even Steven, Odd Todd
and then looked at our own names to see if they were odd or even

 Our Friday Outstanding Behavior Raffle Winners were...

Here is one of our winners from before Christmas!  She was absent on the day she won!
